So it's been a few weeks since my last post, but that's because life has been crazy! I started my senior year about a month ago and it took me about three weeks to figure out that there was no way I was going to get good grades, get any sleep, have a social life, and go to work all at the same time. And then it hit me: I would be working every minor holiday and every weekend, including most Friday nights and even when I wasn't working those days, they would be spent catching up on homework. I couldn't do that for the rest of the year... so I quit. I figure I have the rest of my life to stress out, and right now I just want to enjoy my senior year and go to the games and hang out with friends. I'm also planning to spend the time applying for scholarships and earn money that way.
This is my second day of freedom. So far it's been good. I'm about to start on an English paper that I will actually be able to spend time on, and then maybe look at some scholarship options. Although I'll miss my job and the people I worked with, I'm excited to be a kid for one more year :)