I had an experience recently that forced me to reconsider, even just the tiniest bit, everything. I feel like I'm having more and more of those experiences lately and that might just be part of growing up, but I hate it. The feeling is similar to finding out the truth about Santa over and over again. All the magic I thought life was simply isn't. My naiveness is disappearing. My blissful ignorance is slipping away. It sucks.
In the last few month I've learned a few really important things:
1. Love and charity are most important. Without sincere, real love for those around me I am nothing and nothing I say or do matters.
2. I've learned to strengthen my testimony in the Gospel - not the people running it. People say and do things in this church that upset me. It doesn't matter. I believe in the words and teachings of Jesus Christ.
3. The judgement of others doesn't matter. I know who I am, what I believe and where my standards lie. Others' quick, harsh judgements will not change any of that.
4. I have control over me and only me. I can not change others' beliefs, decisions or habits. No one can change mine.
As finals week and the end of the year approaches I reflect on the year behind me. I may not remember what a p value is in my Stats class or what David Paul Nord said in my Intro to Mass Communications class, but I will remember these lessons. I guess that's really what growing up is all about.