I am so happy. This has been the first Valentine's Day in years that I haven't endured with a bitter taste in my mouth. There's this idea that you have to have a Valentine to enjoy the day or else it is "Singles Awareness Day," but today I am happy for the people I have in my life whom I love. My family is amazing. Mom sent me a package filled with chocolates, a poem and the nicest note ever. Emily included a note of her own where she stated that I will always be her Valentine. Who needs a guy with a girl like that in my life? On top of that I have great friends from USU and specifically LLC Building D. I'd name them, but then I'd forget somebody and feel horrible so you all know who you are :).
As I walked around campus with my cardboard box full of goodies I felt happy. I was happy for those who had somebody like my roommate and her adorable boyfriend who has been stressing over her gift for days ("Do you think she'll like it?" "Yes Neal!"). I am happy for my brother and his sweet girlfriend. I'm happy for my parents who are spending the week in San Fransisco together because they kinda sorta like each other. I'm happy for my grandparents who bought each other identical candy boxes. On top of it all, I'm happy I am where I am in my life in my relationships and my goals.
So this Valentine's Day I choose not to be bitter, but recognize the immense love I have in my life.
BUT if you are feeling a little down in the dumps, here's a fun clip from the Onion News network to cheer you up. I found it pretty hilarious.