I'm finally here! After months of planning, scheming and shopping I'm finally here! My mind is being opened, challenged and molded. My classes started this week and so far are good and pretty much what I expected. The term "short reading" means something very different in college than it did in high school. I like my roommates. I like my building, and my ward seems pretty cool. I'm preparing myself to take on the world.
Now.... the dorm! Here's a few pictures of my room:

Here's where I sleep. I recovered the board above my pillows.

Here's where the magic happens: my desk. I painted the sign at the top that reads "Live the life you imagine" My little sister, Emily organized it. She could make a living as a professional organizer.


Another crafty moment. If you know me at all you probably know that I'm not an artsy or craftsy person. Therefore, I was slightly proud of my rare achievements.
Now, the first thing I noticed about my room is that it was SMALL. Now I know there's college grads out there laughing at my ignorance, but here's the situation: it's smaller than it's suppose to be. I am in the handicap accessible dorm. Because of this, my bathroom is big and the room across from the bathroom is big and both of these rooms eat up space in my room.
I also don't have cupboards or drawers under my bathroom sink like every other apartment.
But there is one perk: a removable shower head.

Last Friday was an 80s Dance...
It was fun for about an hour, but then they stopped playing 80s music so we came back and watched "Back to the Future" Notice my friend, Josh's outfit.
So far college is great! It's only been two weeks so hopefully I keep loving it!