Sunday, September 12, 2010

College Firsts....

So I had a few college firsts this week...

Bear Lake wasn't really a first, I've been there before. A few of us went for Labor day. It was nice to just take a break from Logan and relax for the day.

This is my friend, Justin Vance aka V. He is rinsing off after being buried waste deep in sand.

My real college first was my first college date. Before you get too excited let me put it this way: We went to a restaurant and they brought us our food, but no utensils. We sat and stared at our food while they were supposedly working on getting us a fork. My date got tired of waiting and ate his pulled pork with his hands. That pretty much sums up the rest of the night.

BUT I did get this great picture at the grocery store while buying s'mores supplies. There, my date bought Starbursts, told me I couldn't have any and was apparently serious. I never got any Starbursts.

On Saturday I had my first USU football game... and we won! 38-17 to Idaho University.
Here's the group walking to the stadium.
My roommates Kalley, Brandy and I.
Roommates again, this time with Laura.
So there's a tradition that when our team scores, you do "push ups" and grab someone to lift them up in the air for every touchdown. I got chosen...
I was terrified, not going to lie. But I did survive :)

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