Sunday, December 12, 2010
Growing Up

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Catching Up

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Religions vs Sexual Minorities
Sunday, September 12, 2010
College Firsts....

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Welcome to College!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Cell Phone Saga
Wow, it's been a while. Whoops... I guess I was never used to blogging. I decided I wanted to keep my blog more updated considering I want to be a writer and I figure this is good practice. Since I made that decision, however, not much has happened.That is, until this week...
I'm sure I wouldn't be the first to say that when they are stressed out, overwhelmed or really tired they make stupid mistakes. I do this quite often. My biggest problem is that one possession of mine usually falls victim to my temporary insanity: my cell phone.
My poor phone has been through a lot. Just two weeks ago at the end of a particularly long weekend when my parents were out of town and both Emily and Alex had science projects due, I dropped my phone in a bowl full of water in the sink while doing the dishes. Luckily after spending a few days in a bowl of rice and applying my dad's technical knowledge to it, it rebounded.
Then on Tuesday I made the dumbest mistake of all with my phone - I left it in a bathroom at school. I didn't realize it for a few hours because I usually leave my phone in my backpack, and when I went back to find it, it was long gone.
I called it a countless amount of times, texted pathetic pleas for whomever had it to turn it into the office and continued to hope that it would just turn up in one of my classes. No luck.
Wednesday, my mom called AT&T and they said my phone had made a call at 11:45 the night before. She deactivated it, but it was official: my phone had been stolen. Then, my dad had a brilliant idea.. What if we found out the number the phone had called? We looked online at our bill and found the phone number. It was a land line. It was a lead. I took it.
That afternoon I called the number. No answer, but a teenage girl was on the answering machine. She left no name, so I still didn't know who I was talking to. I decided to call again that evening. This time, there was an answer.
"Hello?" she said.
"Hi, is there anyone from Orem High who is there?" I said innocently, but I'm sure creepily.
"No.. wait (confused stuttering) Ya, I go to Orem High?"
"Oh okay. What was your name?"
She then gave me her first and last name. I then told her how my phone had been stolen.
"I don't have your phone," she said defensively.
"Well whoever called you at 11:45 last night did, and I want it back." I explained that if whomever had it turned it into the office by lunch the next day I would drop it. If not, I was going to get the cops involved and I now have her name and phone number and proof that she was connected to my stolen phone and the person who took it.
"Oh, my sister probably has it."
"Alright, whatever. I just want it in the office by tomorrow."
"Oh ya I totally understand
Today at school I went in to the office to see if it was there and low and behold there it was! It had a stickie note on it saying someone found it near the soccer field. Sure. Whatever, I had my phone back.
I was suddenly filled with a strange sense of power. I had influenced somebody I didn't even know with my guts and my words. She didn't know I was shaking uncontrollably while I was talking to her. She wasn't aware that I had never dealt with the cops in my life and really didn't want to start now. She did what I wanted because I scared her. I've never been scary. Ever.
Now, I realize I must keep my new found power under control. I will only use it for good :) I won't take over the world... I promise. Because really, I'm just happy to have my phone back and working. Again.